Friday 23rd November, Lusaka. A half-day workshop on Men’s Engagement Interventions for maternal and child health professionals.
Friday 23rd November 2018
9am – 1pm with lunch at the UNZA Graduate School of Business
Great East Road Campus, Lusaka
Book now by filling in our Contact Us form.
In 2015, the Serenje District Ministry of Health team and Medical Aid Films set up a rural health outreach project, screening films at 7 health clinics and satellite posts. Whilst the films were developed for a female audience, screenings also attracted large numbers of men, reportedly increasing men’s engagement in maternal and child health.
Men’s involvement in antenatal, childbirth and postnatal care is important for the health of mothers and new-borns. Yet many men do not consider they have a role to play, and evidence suggests they are discouraged by socio-cultural attitudes and lack of knowledge.
Led by Dr Oliver Mweemba, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Health Promotion at the UNZA School of Public Health, researchers have explored men’s and women’s perspectives of the project and their perceptions of how the films influenced men’s knowledge and behaviour – identifying how future content can encourage men’s engagement around maternal and child health and more broadly, the potential for film education to influence health knowledge, attitudes and practices among rural and low literacy communities.
Complete our Contact Us form to book a place on the workshop.
This workshop provides the opportunity to hear about research findings and participate in expert panel and group discussions, exploring implications and identifying future strategies for maternal and child health and health promotion practice and policy.
Research team:
Oliver Mweemba, Researcher and Lecturer, University of Zambia
Dept of Health Promotion and Education, Ridgeway Campus, Lusaka
Helen Coombe, Head of Evaluation and Research
Medical Aid Films, c/o 29th Floor, One Canada Square, London E14 5AA