Filamu ya Mafunzo kwa Waiguzi wa Fistula

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Produced in partnership with Fistula Foundation, this film aims to shine a light on the critical role of nursing care within fistula surgery. It covers four areas in pre and post-operative care: advocacy, detection, intervention and communication.

Filmed on location at the Gynocare Fistula Centre in Eldoret, Kenya, the film follows the story of Jacki - a fistula patient being cared for by two exceptional nurses James and Kandie, it also features the inspiring fistula surgeon Dr Hillary Mabeya.

The film was reviewed by the Fistula Foundation team, and Dr Sohier Elneil; consultant uro-gynaecologist at University College London, Chair of Fistula Foundation, and a member of our Medical Advisory Panel.

This film is available in

English Swahili French

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